UPDATE 8/1/10: This edition is SOLD OUT. The last piece in the edition is on its way to a new home in London, England. As of this time, there are only two versions remaining in my Saloon Girls series: High Explosives and Everything Nice. Please contact me to reserve yours before these editions are also closed.
UPDATE 10/1/09: There is only one New Rules left in the edition. The collection of four Saloon Girls has been sold as has the last single figure. Please call me ASAP if you have been thinking about adding her to your collection. After the last piece sells, this edition will be closed forever. The price of the last piece is $4,900.
New Rules, Baby is the very last piece in my popular Saloon Girls series. As I was sculpting New Rules, my vision was that she represents the time in life when you no longer make apologies for who you are. You are comfortable in your own skin and couldn’t care less about the opinions of others.
I knew my collectors would relate to her confident demeanor, but even I was surprised at just how popular New Rules has been. As of my last show, there are now only two pieces left in the edition. (There are actually three left, but I am saving the very last one for a complete a set of all four Saloon Girls call me for price if you have interest.)
New Rules is priced at $3,900. UPDATE:The price of the final piece is $4,900.
Please contact me if you would like me to reserve one before they ride off into the sunset!
Click here for more photos.