“Thug” is such an unkind word.
“When I want your opinion, I’ll take this gag outta yer mouth.” ~Barzell
It’s true, Barzell has cracked more than a few heads (and occasionally ribs) in his day, but those fellers needed thumping.
Barzell puts a boot heel on the neck of layabouts at the Short Branch Ranch, but he usually only ever has to exact justice once to get his message across. (As he sees it, he’s a peacekeeper, really.)
What kind of background makes a man like Barzell? Most folks know not to ask.
Never fear, Barzell will keep your whiskey safe from poachers.
The Barzell decanter is pewter with a rubber stopper atop a handsome glass carafe. The price is $239 and can be delivered in time for Christmas gift giving.
To add Barzell (or the whole Short Branch Ranch collection) to your bar, please contact Craig Bergsgaard.
Click here to learn about the entire set: About Short Branch Ranch by Craig Bergsgaard.
You can catch Barzell’s grumbling on our Short Branch Twitter account, hashtag Barzell (#Barzell)