Craig Bergsgaard at The Calgary Stampede 2010
Western art lovers: if you weren’t at the CALGARY STAMPEDE, you missed an amazing show! The Stampede, besides offering rodeo, Chuckwagon racing (the “Chucks”) and a plethora of other fun Western-style events, hosts Canada’s premier Western art show, with over sixty artists specializing in Western art and culture. I had an incredible time this year, meeting people and sharing my love of great western art. While I enjoy the camaraderie shared by all the participating Western artists, the most exceptional part of the show for me was, of course, meeting all the wonderful new people who connect with my art on an emotional level.
My Stampede 2010
Although a bit grueling, since as a featured artist the Stampede consists of twelve straight twelve hour days for me, I really enjoyed being able to connect with and meet people who appreciate my work, and who share my passion for Western iconography and art. I was also very pleased to be able to re-acquaint myself with several people who had bought some of my work last year and were kind enough to come by to renew our connection. Since I never got to post the pictures from last year, I thought I would do a mix of this year’s and last year’s Calgary Stampede pictures here. To all the Western art lovers out there who missed the show, this year or last year, DON’T MISS NEXT YEAR! It’s a wonderful experience and should be on every Western art lovers to-do list.
Heartfelt Thanks to all my Calgary Friends and Supporters, This Year and Last!
To all the amazing people who came this year, I want to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who made this year and last year’s show so successful, enjoyable and fulfilling.
Just the other day, someone asked me if I remembered the first time a stranger bought a piece of my work. I was embarrassed to say I did not remember that moment because it is a watershed moment in any artist’s career. Much of the time I fall short in expressing my humility, but I assure you, the instant a perfect stranger connects with my work, I am deeply humbled and you become a friend. Since I just returned from the Calgary Stampede; THANK YOU to all my new friends!
2009 & 2010
- Randy and Marilyn W, Calgary AB
- Orluff and Judy O Ogden,UT
- Cal & family Calgary AB
- Roma & Stewart A. Fleet, UK
- Philip & Donna D. Calgary, AB Houston TX
- Alan & Shirley A. Calgary, AB
- Hon Marlene G. Calgary AB
- Ellen H. Calgary AB
- James & Jill C. Calgary AB
- 08 & 09 boothmate Michele Zarb
- 2010 booth mate Murrary Philips
Not pictured
- Red & Maria Calif
- Alan & Shirley A. Calgary, AB
- Peter D. & family Belfast N Ireland
- Doug Spark Calgary, AB
- Gregory H. Calgary, AB
- Murray & Elizabeth Philips Langly, BC
- Debbie & Rick W. Calgary AB